

“5 highly effective ChatGPT prompt frameworks to help you maximize AI’s potential”

1. SIFT Method



  • Career decisions(キャリアの決定)
  • Investment choices(投資の選択)
  • Major life events like marriage or relocation(結婚や転居など、人生の一大イベント)


“I have received two distinct job offers: one from a startup specializing in AI solutions and another from a well-established financial institution. The decision is important to me because it will likely shape my career trajectory and personal life for the next few years. Help me evaluate these offers by considering factors like salary, work-life balance, long-term career growth, company culture, and location. Finally, what are the key takeaways that could influence my decision?”


2. BEAM Model



  • Career transitions(キャリアの変遷)
  • Educational choices(教育の選択)
  • Lifestyle changes like adopting a new diet(新しい食生活などライフスタイルの変化)


“I’m considering taking a gap year before attending college. Offer some background information on the general pros and cons of taking a gap year. Explain how a gap year could specifically benefit or hinder my educational and career goals. What alternatives should I also consider, like internships or part-time jobs? Lastly, what motivations, such as personal growth or financial reasons, could influence this decision?”


3. FUSED Method



  • Public speaking engagements(講演活動)
  • Marketing campaign development(マーケティング・キャンペーン開発)
  • Academic thesis or dissertation writing(学術論文執筆)


“I have to give a TED Talk on the importance of mental health. Help me focus on three to four key points that are most impactful. Understand the needs and interests of my audience to make the talk relatable. Synthesize the information into a coherent narrative structure. Evaluate the overall flow and pacing to ensure it’s engaging. Finally, deliver a finalized script and slide deck for the presentation.”

「メンタルヘルス の重要性についてTEDトークをしなければなりません。最もインパクトのある3~4つのポイントに焦点を当てるのを手伝ってください。聴衆のニーズと関心を理解し、親しみやすいトークにする。情報を首尾一貫したストーリー構成にまとめる。全体的な流れとテンポを評価し、魅力的なものにする。最後に、プレゼンテーションの台本とスライドデッキを完成させる。」

4. TREAD Approach


  • Ethical dilemmas(倫理的ジレンマ)
  • Conflict resolution(紛争解決)


“I have a co-worker who is frequently late but otherwise contributes positively to the team. Discuss why this issue is relevant to team dynamics and productivity. Elaborate on the possible outcomes if this behavior continues. Assess both the moral and professional implications of either ignoring or addressing the issue. Finally, help me decide what course of action would be most appropriate.”


5. IDEA Framework



  • Personal development goals(個人の開発目標)
  • Innovative product development(革新的な製品開発)


“Our company is looking to expand its product line in the consumer electronics market. Help me identify potential product ideas such as smart home devices or wearables. Develop these ideas further by considering features, design elements, and potential partnerships. Evaluate their market viability, potential profitability, and challenges we might face. Finally, create a step-by-step action plan for bringing the most promising product to market.”
