
tweeted by Moritz Kermb on2023-07-31


  1. ソーシャルメディア・コンテンツ計画を立てる
    “For my [product/service] targeting [my target audience] on [my social media platform], create a 1-month social media content plan using the 5-3-2 Rule.”
  2. クリエイティブなツイート返信でツイッターアカウントを増やす
    “Give me 20 [funny, authoritative, thoughtful] responses for the following tweet: [Copy paste tweet].”
  3. ランディングページの最適化
    “Use the 5Cs framework to guide me through optimizing my landing page.”
  4. 見事なインフォグラフィックを作る
    “Follow the VISUAL framework to create a guideline that will help me design an infographic for my [product/service].”
  5. 理想的なソーシャルメディアスケジューリングツールを選ぶ
    “Compare the top 5 social media scheduling tools and output the results in a table with columns: name, price, features, supported platforms, pros, cons.”
  6. YouTubeビデオのスクリプトを作成する
    “Write a Youtube video script using the ABT framework for my [product/service] about the following [topic].”
  7. 魅力的なブランドストーリーを構築する
    “Help me create a powerful brand story for my [product/service] using the Hero’s Journey framework.”
  8. フックド・モデルを使って中毒性のあるキャンペーンを構築する
    “Use Nir Eyal’s Hooked Model to craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service].”
  9. SEO最適化でオーガニック・トラフィックを増やす
    “Provide a step-by-step guide to optimize my website’s SEO for [target keywords].”
  10. リーン・スタートアップ・マーケティングを極める
    “Design a Lean Startup based marketing campaign for our [product/service] targeting [ideal customer persona]. Use the concepts of rapid experimentation, iteration, assumption validation and customer feedback for shaping a strategy.”
  11. 目を引く見出しをつける
    “Create [#] headlines about {Insert Topic}. The headlines should be eye-catching, punchy, and memorable.”
  12. 長文のブログ記事を作成する
    “Write an outline for a long-form blog post about [Insert Topic].”
  13. グロース・フライホイール・キャンペーンで継続的な成長を実現する
    “Craft a Growth Flywheel marketing campaign for our [product/service], covering customer acquisition, retention, engagement & insights. Detail tactics & metrics to measure success in this continuous growth loop.”
  14. アラン・ディブの1ページ・プランでマーケティング・プランを作ろう
    “Craft a marketing plan in the style of Allan Dib’s 1-Page Marketing Plan for our [product/service].”
  15. 成功するEメールキャンペーンを作ろう
    “Assist me in creating an email marketing campaign for my [product/service] using the Customer Value Journey framework.”
  16. AARRRフレームワークで成功を加速させる
    “Craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service] using the AARRR framework.”
  17. インフルエンサーマーケティング戦略を策定する
    “For my [product/service], create a guideline for my influencer marketing strategy, using the 4Cs of Influencer Marketing (Content, Credibility, Clout, Cost-effectiveness).”
  18. 製品ローンチ戦略の策定
    “[Insert a brief description of your product and target audience]. Guide me through developing a product launch strategy using the Product Launch Formula to generate interest and sales.”
  19. ショーン・エリスのグロースハック・プランで成長を加速する
    “Use Sean Ellis’ Growth Hacking framework outlining a step-by-step plan for finding, testing, and growing opportunities for our [product/service].”
  20. 30秒のエレベーターピッチで印象アップ
    “Based on [insert your mission and niche], help me craft a 30-second elevator pitch for [product, service, or personal brand].”
  21. 製品を理解する
    “Using the value proposition framework, detail how the top 5 features of our product benefit the user. [Enter product details]”
  22. オーディエンスを知る
    “What are the most common objections or concerns raised by our target customers and how would you address them? [Enter product details]”
  23. 異議申し立ての練習
    “Role-play a scenario where a customer objects our product due to high price. You will act as the customer, I am the sales agent. Grade each response and tell me how I can do better. [Enter product details]”
  24. 関係構築
    “Create a learning path for me to build better relationships with my clients.”
  25. リスニング・スキル
    “Create a 1-week course for me to improve my listening skills. Incorporate well-known frameworks.”
  26. 洞察力に富んだ質問をする
    “Provide 5 insightful questions you would ask during a sales discovery call. [Enter product details]”
  27. プレゼンテーション・スキルを磨く
    “Prepare a five-minute pitch for our product, using the AIDA framework. [Enter product details]”
  28. コンバージョン率の高いフォローアップメールを書く
    “Outline the main components of a high-converting follow-up email after a sales call.”
  29. ChatGPTにプロンプトを書いてもらう
    “You are a ChatGPT prompt generator. Generate 10 unique prompts that will help me get [job or task] done.”
  30. ユニークなビジネスアイデアを生み出す
    “For the following [industry], output the top 10 pain points, 5 solutions to each pain point and 3 unique business ideas for each solution.”
  31. ビジネス書からフレームワークを抽出する
    “Distill the framework and most important lessons from {Business Book Title} into a comprehensive, but digestible summary.”
  32. 受取人に合った冷静なメールを作成する
    “Compose a personalized cold email for a potential client in the [industry] that highlights [our unique value proposition].”
  33. テキストを表に整形する
    “From the list pasted below, create a table with the following columns: [Name, Category, and Description]. Then let me export the table as CSV. [Paste list of items]”
  34. 内なる創造性を引き出す
    “Introduce me to creative exercises and techniques that will help me tap into my inner creativity and generate fresh ideas in [insert specific context].”
  35. 文調を変える
    “Change the tone of the text below to be more [Direct, Formal, Informal, Sincere, Sarcastic, Friendly, Assertive, Persuasive, Passionate, Professional, Casual Serious, Lighthearted, Conversational, Serious]: [Paste text]”
  36. 記憶力を高める
    “I am learning about [insert topic]. Provide me with a list of mnemonic devices or memory techniques to help me remember and recall important information related to this topic.”
  37. 文章を箇条書きにまとめる
    “Summarize this article into a bulleted list of the most important information: [paste article]”
  38. どんなトピックでもブレーンストーミングをサポート
    “Brainstorm 20 unique ideas for the following [topic]”
  39. 採用されるカバーレターを書く
    “Create a compelling cover letter for the position of [job title] at [company name], showcasing my relevant experience and enthusiasm for the role. [Inser relevant experience]”
  40. 製品やサービスの革新とアップグレード
    “Employing the Jobs-to-be-Done framework, assist me in recognizing areas for enhancement in my [product or service].”
  41. 問題解決能力を高める
    “Share a step-by-step systematic approach for solving [specific problem or challenge].”
  42. 文章を磨く
    “Proofread the below text for spelling and grammar. Make the sentences clear and precise: [Paste Your Writing]”
  43. インパクトのあるセールス原稿を作る
    “[Give a brief description of your product or service]. Utilizing the Sandler Selling System, aid me in developing a persuasive sales script for my offering.”
  44. 作家の文体を模倣する
    “Turn the following bullet points into a paragraph of text. Use the following [tone] and mimic the writing style of [insert your favourite author].”
  45. Eメールマーケティングキャンペーンを成功させる
    “[Provide a brief description of your target audience and product or service]. Guide me in developing an email marketing campaign based on the Customer Value Journey framework.”
  46. 複雑なトピックをより速く学ぶ
    “Explain [complex topic] like I’m 12 years old.”
  47. 成功する製品ローンチ戦略を実行する
    “[Provide a brief description of your product and target audience]. Assist me in creating a product launch strategy employing the Product Launch Formula to generate excitement and sales.”
  48. イーロン・マスクのようなビジネスの成功者と話す
    “From here on, you will act as [Elon Musk]. I will ask you a series of questions and you must reply like [Elon Musk] would.”
  49. 根本原因を突き止めることで問題に取り組む
    “Guide me in applying the Five Whys technique to identify the root cause of a [specific problem or situation].”
  50. 魅力的なブランド・ストーリーを構築する
    “[Provide a business or personal brand description]. Help me craft a compelling brand narrative for my brand using the Hero’s Journey framework.”